Myofascial Cupping massage is an amazing technique used by our massage therapists to promote nutrient-rich blood to areas, providing increased circulation to stretch muscle tissue. It has been noted that it has a positive effect on immunity, so it was very often prescribed to improve its performance. Cupping is applied to certain acupuncture points as well as to parts of the body that have been affected by pain or muscle/fascia tightness where the pain is deeper than the tissues to be pulled. The cupping process draws blood from your vessels and into your tissue. This procedure is absolutely painless, but very effective for many body systems. Cupping massage is one of the best way of healing the body without using medications. In fact it allows you to run the body to its fullest and make it more durable, hardy and healthy.
Massage Therapist will use oil in order to allow the cups to move over the skin easily, then cups are placed on the skin in areas of tender/tight muscles, trigger points, acupressure points and then either moved along muscles to release fascia or left in one place. Cups are generally left in place for a few minutes. This process pulls fresh oxygen and nutrient enriched blood. Take note, cupping procedures may leave light to dark red marks on your skin that disappear in 3 to 7 days. Cupping Therapy is wonderful for myofascial release, lymphatic drainage, cellulite, facial treatments, deep tissue therapy, restriction of movement, sports injuries, scars, stretch marks, fibromyalgia, anxiety, stress, insomnia, trigger point therapy, and chronic conditions.
If you are looking for professional Myofascial Cupping Massage contact the professionals at the ELEOS Massage.